About Konexians

How we connect to get what we want 

Unleash the power of Individual Potential not by
changing who you are but by being who you are

So how does one go about this. First of all, people don’t change, we are pretty much who we are by the time we reach adolescence. Formed and shaped by a multitude of reasons too numerous to mention.

 However, nothing is one hundred percent, a highly emotional experience or traumatic event can initiate a change, but most often it’s not permanent..

Then there are those who make millions of dollars trying to convince people they can change, often times with some level of success but in reality the percentage is minimal.

 No matter the hype, people revert to who they are, as evidenced by continually reinvesting in the latest and greatest course or seminar.

Really just a new coat of paint on the same old car hoping it will go faster.

Ok, so how does one Unleash the Power of Individual Potential

First, the prevailing thought, which in actuality has been written and webisode to death for decades, has centered around the concept of Changing Who You Are. The promotion of all the popular hype of daily affirmations, manifestations, PMA, tapping into the positive power of the universe, changing thought into its physical equivalent, will change your life forever and the world will be your oyster.

All good in theory, can’t hurt but in reality takes the discipline of a Tibetan Monk to put into practice.

It simply is just not all that effective…….. so what’s the answer

The Secret Sauce

The Secret Sauce of Unleashing the Power of Individual Potential is not to change who you are, but to be who you are. Realize that each of us has strengths and weaknesses unique only to ourselves.

The key is to identify, understand and give them power. The better you understand your weaknesses and vulnerabilities the less impact they have over you. You create a less is more dynamic which enhances your strengths. 

Buy understanding your strengths and mastering the tools of verbal and nonverbal communication you now have the power to Read, Persuade and Control.

 That’s what Konexians is all about